BOWLING GREEN- Following a huge success on February 18th, 2013, where HB 1045 passed committee 7-4, Colorado's Anti-NDAA bill a faces a possible defeat on the House floor.
HB 1045 is designed to counter the indefinite detention provisions, sections 1021 and 1022, of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act. These sections authorize the indefinite military detention, without charge or trial, of anyone who commits a "belligerent act," or is suspected of terrorism, and violate over 13 provisions of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. the law has also been condemned by retired members of the Armed Forces, a current U.S. Congressman, Federal Judge Katherine B. Forrest, conservative pundit Rush Limbaugh, and the American Civil Liberties Union.
HB 1045 would restore the protections in the Bill of Rights for the people of Colorado, prohibit any person in the state from being indefinitely detained, and prohibit any person from applying the "laws of war" including detention and execution, in Colorado.
Now, according our sources, Rep. Bob Gardner will attempt to crush the bill on the House floor. Rep. Gardner will attempt to kill the liberty of the people of Colorado, to violate his oath to the Constitution both as a representative and as a veteran of the United States Air Force, and allow the President of the United States to detain, and even execute, any person in Colorado.
Colorado, you have have awakened the sleeping giant. Now, We the People will respond.
According to our sources, we almost have the votes needed to pass. HB 1045 is scheduled for a vote on Monday, February 25th. If we bring enough pressure to Colorado this weekend, if we flood the inboxes, phone lines, and desks of these representatives with phone calls and emails, we can win this state back for liberty.
With your help, we won huge victories in Indiana, Montana, and Arizona. now, it's time to bring that pressure to the Evergreen State.
You are the special forces, let's take back Colorado for liberty.
Pick one, two, three or ten of these representatives and send a call and an email to thank them for supporting HB 1045 and protecting the civil liberties of the people of Colorado! (This will help secure them as supporters):
(We encourage anyone out of state to DEFINITELY still call and email, without mentioning the state you are calling from. Your support is crucial.)
-Perry Buck (R): perrybuck49@gmail.com 303-866-2907
-Dominick Moreno (D): dominick.moreno.house@state.co.us 303-8662964
-Joe Salazar (D): joseph.salazar.house@state.co.us 303-866-2918
-Steve Lebsock (D): steve.lebsock.house@state.co.us 303-866-2931
-Lori Saine (R): lori.saine.house@state.co.us 303-866-2906
-Brian DelGrosso (R): brian@briandelgrosso.com 303-866-2947
-Mark Waller (R): mark.waller.house@state.co.us 303-866-5523
-Clarice Navarro-Ratzalf (R): clarice.navarro.house@state.co.us 303-866-2905
-Tim Dore (R): tim.dore.house@state.co.us 303-866-2398
-Frank McNulty (R): frank.mcnulty.house@state.co.us 303-866-2936
-Libby Szabo (R): libby.szabo.house@state.co.us 303-866-2962
-Spencer Swalm (R): spencer.swalm.house@state.co.us 303-866-5510
-Chris Holbert (R): chris.holbert.house@state.co.us 303-866-2933
-Carole Murray (R): murrayhouse45@gmail.com 303-866-2948
-Kevin Priola (R): kpriola@gmail.com 303-866-2912
-Kathleen Conti (R): kathleen.conti.house@state.co.us 303-866-2953
-Ray Scott (R): ray.scott.house@state.co.us 303-866-3068
-Jeanne Labuda (D): jeanne.labuda.house@state.co.us 303-866-2966
-Ed Vigil (R): edvigil1@gmail.com 303-866-2916
-Diane Mitschbush (D): diane.mitchbush.house@state.co.us 303-866-2923
-Claire Levy (D): claire.levy.house@state.co.us 303-866-2578
-Bob Rankin (R): bob.rankin.house@state.co.us 303-866-2949
-James Wilson (R): james.wilson.house@state.co.us 303-866-2747
-Lois Landgraf (R): lois.landgraf.house@state.co.us 303-866-2946
-Janak Joshi (R): janak.joshi.house@state.co.us 303-866-2937
-Jerry Sonnenberg (R): jerry@repsonnenberg.com 303-866-3706
-Don Coram (R): don.coram.house@state.co.us 303-866-2955
-Speaker Mark Ferrandino (D): mferrandino@yahoo.com 303-866-2346
-Polly Lawrence (R): polly.lawrence.house@state.co.us 303-866-2935
Call these undecided representatives and tell them to honor their oath and support HB 1045!
We encourage anyone out of state to DEFINITELY still call and email, without mentioning the state you are calling from.
-Amy Stephens (R): amy.stephens.house@state.co.us 303-866-2924
-Cheri Gerou (R): cheri.gerou@gmail.com 303-866-2582
-Paul Rosenthal (D): paul.rosenthal.house@state.co.us 303-866-2910
-Pete Lee (D): pete.lee.house@state.co.us 303-866-2932
-Daniel Kagan (D): repkagan@gmail.com 303-866-2921
-Max Tyler (D): max@maxtyler.us 303-866-2951
-Angela Williams (D): angela.williams.house@state.co.us 303-866-2909
On a final note, if you are a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces anyhere in the world, please contact Rep. Bob Gardner and tell him why you support HB 1045 and oppose the NDAA as a veteran:
Rep. Bob Gardner
Phone: 303-866-2191
Email: bob.gardner.house@state.co.us
This could be the final stand for HB 1045. Let's show the world what we can do.
Dan Johnson
Founder, PANDA
People Against the NDAA
Colorado Anti-NDAA Bill Faces Final Stand