Sunday, January 27, 2013

BREAKING: Wyoming to Battle NDAA on Tuesday




Cheyenne, WY – January 27, 2013


Barbara Anderson

PANDA Wyoming


PANDA Wyoming announces the introduction of HB 114, the Wyoming Liberty Preservation Act, and issues a call to action to ensure it passes committee.

On December 31st, 2011, President Barack Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, containing provisions which authorized the indefinite detention, extraordinary rendition (and assassination) of anyone around the world without charge or trial. This law marked one of the darkest eras in American history, declaring the United States a battlefield and legally subject to the laws of war.

PANDA (People Against the NDAA) has been fighting back. Founded in January 2012, PANDA has grown to be the largest organization in the nation fighting indefinite detention and the NDAA. Since the launch of Operation Homeland Liberty, PANDA has started state teams in almost 25 states, and reaches thousands daily with the message of liberty.

Now, in the second shot (after BDR 728 in Nevada) to be fired across the Federal government’s bow, HB 114 has been introduced in Wyoming. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Kendell Kroeker and co-sponsored by Rep. David Miller, Rep. Hans Hunt, and Sen. Cale Case, will protect the liberty of the citizens of Wyoming by prohibiting the unconstitutional provisions of the 2012 NDAA to be enforced here. 

 “The Constitution of the United States has the Bill of Rights for a reason,” said Representative Kroeker, “I take an oath to support, obey, and defend the Constitution and I take that seriously.  When the federal government passes legislation that violates the constitution, it is our duty as a state to make sure we protect the rights of our citizens.”

Now, in order to protect the rights of the citizens of Wyoming, we must take swift action. On Tuesday, January 29, 2013, the Wyoming Liberty Preservation Act will be voted on in the House Transportation, Highways, and Military Affairs committee. There are however, Representatives on that committee who do not understand the seriousness of this issue and the importance of securing our inalienable rights.

Call these legislators immediately and demand they honor their oath, and stand up for the rights of all Wyoming citizens. Demand these representatives pass the Wyoming Liberty Preservation Act:

Rep. David Zwonitzer:  (307) 630-1955

Rep. Rita Campbell:  (307) 850-7364



Rep. Robert McKim:  (307) 248-2564

Rep. Tom Reeder:  (307) 235-0404


BREAKING: Wyoming to Battle NDAA on Tuesday

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