I must say, we are honored and humbled. On the March 7th edition of Lew Rockwell's blog, Becky Akers reported on our successes in Michigan and across the country:
"Thanks to the Tenth Amendment Center, PANDA, and every patriot who tirelessly worked to protect us from the Feds. We may one day owe our lives to these folks."
We want to thank all of you, our partners, our fans, and our supporters. Your work is making a real difference, and you have helped us reach millions of people across the world with the message of freedom and liberty. Without hundreds and thousands of you reposting our articles, participating in our action alerts, and being our voice, we could never be the leading organization in the nation fighting indefinite military detention.
While I can't speak for everyone in this organization, I believe this quote fits us as a whole:
"I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country."
-Nathan Hale, September 22nd, 1776
Dan Johnson
Founder, PANDA
P.S. You can read the full Lew Rockwell article here: http://www.lewrockwell.com/blog/lewrw/archives/133412.html
"We may one day owe our lives to these folks" - LRC
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